
Saturday, August 3, 2013

How Bad Do You Want It???

For the last couple days I have had things come up to where I couldn't workout.....I know lame excuse, but it was one of those if I don't do this now I'm not gonna get that job I really want.....So I skipped two days of working on's only the first week but the first week is not the time to give up (no time ever is the time to give up actually). I only get one rest day in a week and I have a plan for that day to be on sundays. I had already used up the rest day, on Thursday cause of a back twinge, there were no other days to miss......except for my minor heart attack happened on Friday when the background check people told me I dated something wrong at the last minute (that was the last day I could post the background). So I spent all day Friday redoing the background check and getting it scanned in and submitted. Let's hope that like it! On Thursday I rearranged my office to be a functional space and I most say I LOVE IT! It's my favorite spot in the house!

So we finally get to Saturday. I know what I have to do, but I really don't want to do it. I get my sweats on and begin to put my head band on when all of a sudden there is a grumble in my belly and a pain in my stomach. Saved by the gurgle! I'm starving! And what's another hour gonna kill? So I go and make my Shakeo (just ice and orange juice today). Sit at my new favorite place, drink my shakeo and begin pinning some motivation on pinterest! Next thing I knew an hour and a half had flown by. There was no use in denying the inevitable any longer. I leave my favorite room in the house to enter my second favorite all while thinking "body you're gonna hate me for this, but eventually you will thank me!"

 While pinning on my computer I figured there is only one way for me to keep on track with the first week (my workout week begins on Mondays, usually with Sundays being the rest day) of my training.......Do TWO workouts today......The next thought that crossed my mind was "you MUST be crazy!" The answer to that is most definitely a yes! I walked in there not super excited to do this but I popped in the first DVD, P90X's Shoulders and Arms. I pushed through it and I was feeling pretty good about completing it. I didn't bother with the cool down cause as soon as the power hour was over I popped in my very next exercise, P90X's Yoga. It began, I started to panic. I can't do this! I'm gonna crash! there's no way I'm gonna make it all the way through this!

 But then I remembered this picture right here! I also remembered that I did this to myself. "If you don't want to do this ever again don't skip any days! But if you do miss a day this is TOTALLY the way to do it. Do a muscle builder than yoga." And the sun salutations began and Tony said just forget all the garbage and get out of your head. As soon as those magical words where said I did and next thing I knew we were on our last vinyasa! AMAZING! I was doing it and we were over halfway through! I finished the workout with no hiccups and totally in the zone!

When finished with my workout I got all excited for my shower because I had totally earned it today! Then Mom came out and asked if I could move my car so she could leave. Sure, why not! I've waited this long for my shower and quiet frankly I didn't mind masking in my sweat and stink for a little longer since I proudly earned it today! As I grabbed my keys and headed towards the door I passed by a mirror. What I saw there was quiet amusing, I really should have taken a picture! But I didn't care what I looked like cause I had worked hard at looking the way I did (totally was rocking a bun on top of the head with a purple headband and completely covered in downright sweat). I even got some very quizzical looks from my neighbors. I'm pretty sure they think I'm crazy around here cause of how I walk outside some times and for dancing in the backyard, well dancing period (when I mow the lawn, when I'm raking, when I'm bbqing, etc.). Later on today I found this picture. It so fits today's workout and every days workout really.

 So after I took my shower I was for sure I was gonna crash, but I didn't have the time to be crashing. So instead I went in search of fuel. I ended up eating some soup cause my house had like no food in it. Once I had finished my soup I walked into my favorite room again and began looking at recipes and making a grocery list. I gathered my wallet, list and phone and headed out to the store. I only spent $68 and got a ton of food! Came home put everything away and thought about taking a nap but began working on my computer again instead. 1930 rolled around and I hadn't had dinner yet, so I decided I should probably make some dinner and do some laundry for working out and work tomorrow. And look at is now it's 00:25 and I'm still going, not necessarily strong but at least I'm functioning. This just proves that with the right fuel and the right will power you can do anything and keep going! Have a wonderful night guys and never forget that you are stronger than anybody knows, including yourself!

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