
Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Why...

   On Thursday I told the 20 people on my like page ( that I would have updates for them on Friday. Apparently life happened to me again and I spaced, probably because I was spring cleaning my house in the middle of summer and trying to kill myself by inhaling all those fumes from cleaning the bathroom (fyi cleaning a tub with those sliding shower doors should really be done with one of those construction mask). So to all my Facebook followers, if you are reading this I'm sorry. I know I did not meet my timeline, not by a long shot cause it's now 1:04 am Sunday morning. But it's here! Tah Dah! I've got the updates and I thought we'd start off with My Why. I came up with this idea/title to this post because well, quite frankly, it was assigned to me through my Beachbody training I've been going through.
   So there it is. The secret is out. I'm a Beachbody Coach. You're probably thinking "*Gasp* she's tricked us all! She just wants us to buy her products." Negative. That could not be farther from the truth. If you have a great workout regiment that is working for you, GREAT! I want you to keep doing it and if you want to, share it (yes, even on my Facebook page).
   Another reason I haven't updated the page yet is because I've been giving My Why some considerable thought. It's all really boiled down to a couple of reasons. For lack of imagination, it is 1am after all, we'll call them #1 My Reason to Get Fit and #2 My Reasons to Become a Beachbody Coach.

#1 My Reason to Get Fit
   My reason to get fit is because, well, I'm unhappy with the way I look and feel about myself. Plus I am currently at a crossroads in my career path. I decided recently that I could continue down this path of self hatred and weight gain if I wanted too continue in my mediocre life doing meaningless jobs being just content cause this path is easy. OR I could take the road less traveled and switch it all up and do something meaningful and exciting! With that being said I know that this road is gonna be hard and I've already had some set backs but I'm gonna just keep trucking along cause I can't stop. I can't go back to the way I was. Now you're probably thinking "well what is this road less traveled for you Kayla?" I'm gonna tell ya...I want to be a firefighter/paramedic! Why? Because my entire life I have had these wonderful childhood memories of my Uncle Tom taking myself and all my cousins down to the fire station and let us play on the fire trucks and set off all the sirens. At that young age, in my eyes, my Uncle Tom was my hero. I looked up to him and I wanted to be just like him. Plus it probably didn't hurt that I did a little bit of firefighting while I was in the Navy and I really enjoyed it. But don't think I'm about to stop at firefighter people! Oh no, I do have my eyes set on a college degree. While being a firefighter I want to go back to school and get my bachelors in Forensic Science Chemistry! Or (I'm not sure what I'd degree I'd have to get for this) get the degree that allows you to be the fire investigator. You know the people that go in after the fire and figure out how the fire started. I think those would be some pretty cool jobs.

#2 My Reasons to Become a Beachbody Coach
   One of the reasons is that I've gone through the Beachbody process before. When I was joining the Navy I completed the P90X program and had some amazing results. While I was going through the process I kept having people ask me "what are you doing? How can I get those results?" and I kept finding myself raving about P90X anyways. So this time while I'm going through it I figured heck if I'm gonna get asked about it anyways and I'm gonna rave about it anyways, AGAIN! I might as well get paid for it.....and if I'm not getting paid for all this "hard" work that I am doing then someone else IS. How unfair does that seem?
   Another reason and more of the main reason behind why I am a coach is that I truly believe in the Beachbody products, what they stand for and their mission. These people really do want to, as Mr. Carl Daikeler always says, end the trend of obesity and their mission is to help people achieve their goals and enjoy a healthy fulfilling life. And the more I heard and read about the company the more I realized that their goals and missions align with what I want to do and what I believe I can help my fellow man do. For me coaching isn't about selling you these amazing products. It is about helping people save their lives, take back their lives and live it to the fullest day by day with the people that they love. Like I said before, the products are amazing, but they are just tools and I realize that some of us can't afford these tools just yet. I hope one day that you can cause they will change your life but because you can't afford the Beachbody tool doesn't mean I can't help you live a more fulfilling life and change your lifestyle to a healthy one.

   If you have questions or would just like to offer feedback please comment below or contact me. And remember....

"Without risk there is no chance for success." ~Dani Johnson

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