
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Getting to know you

   The king and I, what a great movie! And that song has so much meaning, cause come on who takes the time anymore to get to know someone......lately it seems like a lot of people just want to get to know you enough to use you.
   Before we get off on a political tangent (which is not what this blog is for, I'm gonna have to remember to keep those thoughts in check) I'd like to say WELCOME! If you're here you probably know me some how and wanted one of my really neat recipes I found or some info on healthy living, cause after all that IS what this blog is for.
   I'm like the copy, paste queen! My problem though is after I copy, paste and save I never seem to be able to find those things that seemed like such good info EVER AGAIN. So this blog is gonna serve as my organizational tool. I know, how AWESOME of me to share all this AMAZING stuff I find.
   Remember how I said tangent up top? Yeah well they are like my favorite thing ever! So let's get back to the topic of this post. I'm Kayla and I have recently turned over a new leaf and have decided to get HEALTHY. Notice how I didn't say skinny. I said healthy, cause I believe a healthy strong body is better than a skinny sickly body. I've lived in soooooo many different states it's not even funny, but I am currently located in Central Texas. I work for a hospital here as a Patient Transporter. Basically that's a fancy name for pushing people around and walking ALOT (cough, cough 14 miles). I love to hike (I think Texas should grow a mountain, they can do that right?), take photos (oooo look a cow, a flower, oooo another cow), watch movies (as long as it's not a scary movie, come on they are predictable. Oh and Netflix, best invention ever!), read my kindle (oh look a free book, let's download it. What? Where'd this book come from? Oh yeah it was free six months ago.) cook/bake (you're probably saying man Kayla this is a healthy blog how are you gonna bake. I have my ways.) and of course work out! I know, who in their right mind likes to workout? Well who ever said I was in my right mind? I am left handed after all (haha sorry for my lame attempt at humor. It's kinda just how my brain rolls ALL DAY LONG). It's gotta be fun! It can't be all serious all the time. If my workout partner/video is serious all the time then all I'm gonna do is focus on the pain and then I say those two dangerous words. I can't. SURE YOU CAN! You can do anything! You just have to be stubborn enough to do it. And eventually, if you do it enough, it get's easier.
   Well let's get started with some of this wonderful info I've been collaborating shall we, after all the only way you found this blog is probably cause you already know my crazy self.

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