
Monday, July 29, 2013

Never Quit

   So for the past week I haven't worked out, not once (besides all the walking I do at work, but that's so not enough)....I know what's wrong with me?!?!?
   I guess I just lost my motivation. It all started when my Shakeology (aka shakeo) stopped arriving. It was a total bummer. I have no idea what in my mind triggered some sort of switch that said "you can't work out! you have no shakes for afterwards!" But it did! Alright lets be honest, that first month was tough! For me at least. I'm doing the P90X Lean program (cause I think it's the easiest of the three) and I thought oh this will be easy. WRONG! I had injured my back and took a month to rest it and when I finally started working out it was slow going. I'd find myself skipping days or feeling like my back still needing to recover from the last workout. I use to go back and try and complete those but it just felt like I wasn't making any progress! So I started just started skipping them. If I missed them I missed them! I wasn't going backwards anymore. I had a workout planned for that day and that's what I was gonna do! And at the end of the workout series I'll go back and hit all the days I missed.
   Alright so that's been the plan so far.....well I missed the entire last week of the first phase (the recovery week) and I'm really struggling with do I just keep pressing on since technically it is month two or do I just start with that week. I think I'm going to just press on after all that is what I have been doing anyways! And boy does my body need it! I can always tell when I've stopped working out and it by far time to jump back on the ban wagon.
   So the motivational picture of the day is.....

And this one is for the people, like me, waiting for something that says workout!

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